Sunday, April 8, 2012

Andrea's Message

This is Andrea.  I'll try to add a few more details, and Tim can write a much more eloquently worded synopsis when he has time.

We got to the ER around 1:30 am Easter morning.  Tim and I were up all night.  They took more cultures and gave him two different antibiotics.  His counts came back about the lowest he's ever had I think - 150. Daniel was able to rest some between pokes and prods.  He was taken to his room at 6:30 am - 5134-2 (which was an ordeal as well.  Room he was to go to had some kind of leak all over the floor, so had to put him in another one with a roommate that was missing a bed, so had to get a bed, sleeping chair for us, and table cart thing.)  After he got settled in, I left and came home to sleep while Tim slept in the room.

According to Tim, he was given a small Easter Basket with a few stuffed animals and toys in it.  While he was in the play room apparently another kid tripped over his IV line, causing the medicine he was getting to all go under the skin, making him sore.  He had to have the port re-accessed, and the nurse didn't get it in right first try and had to re-stick him again.  Tim said he thought he was having another reaction (has had them before so give this type antibiotic real slow to him) to one of the antibiotics so the nurses were discussing with the Dr. what to do. 

Why are we here in the first place?  One of the 4 blood cultures taken Friday when he was in the hospital due to a fever came back positive for bacteria growth.  It was one taken from the port site (take two from both port site and his arm.)  They said it could be a contaminated sample, but will have to wait and see if the others grow any bacteria as well.  He has to have three consecutive days of negative culture results with no fever before he can go home.

This couldn't have been worse timing for him, with it being Easter weekend, and the fact he has a scheduled 4 day hospital stay this coming Friday.  It is possible he'll end up being there all week, but we don't know for sure.  Still have to find out if his chemo for this coming Friday is count dependent or not (meaning if it's too low they wait till it comes up.)

We know God is in control through all this.  We know He is watching over Daniel.  It's just been a very hard time emotionally for all of us, but especially Daniel.  We had had such a great evening together Sat.  Watched the movie "The 10 Commandments".  Daniel was in a great mood and being silly all evening.  He had just got in bed at midnight (I know - but hey, it's a 3 1/2 hr move :-P) when I got the call from the Dr. about his counts and having to bring him in.  He became hysterical and couldn't quite crying.  I wanted to scream NO and ball myself, but couldn't.  I didn't understand why a few hours should matter that much and not be able to at least wait till morning to bring him in.  But as Tim wisely said, you just don't mess around with this type of thing.  So off we went.

Lord, what are the lessons for us to be learning through this?  Help us always keep our eyes on You!  Thank you all for the continued prayers.  Sorry if this is rambling, but I'm really tired and am getting brain fog!  Will keep you posted on how things progress.

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