Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Prayers Needed for Joey Keller Urgently


Just a quick note to get the word out as broadly as possible.  Our Lord has provided miracle after miracle to bring Joey back from death's door in times like this.  We have an enormous army of intercessors assembled on his behalf and we need to rally to his aid right now.  There has been much prayer on his behalf and increasingly so recently.  But in the past few hours, Joey has taken a turn for the worse.  The doctors believe it is the cancer itself again causing these now life-threatening symptoms.

Joey's father Nick just posted these words to their CaringBridge site at about 11:15a:

Desp need prayer. Things have gotten worse very quickly. Labored breathing, can't move his tongue, not responding. This is very bad. We need a miracle. Thinking of Lazarus. Please pray and believe with us. This is not denial. This is faith. To the best if our ability. Never been here before. We are doing our best. 

It's clear that our medical science has reached the limit of its ability to help in Joey's situation and we need nothing short of a supernatural touch from God.  But we've been here several times before and God has consistently answered our fervent prayers and spared Joey's life.

Please join us now in lifting up our little brother to the Lord in intercession and in "warfare" against enemies (both spiritual and physical) who are intent on taking his life.

Suggested Specifics:
1. Pray specifically against the cancer. That it would be stopped (from spreading and inflicting any further damage), destroyed, and eliminated from his body.
2. Pray specifically against any and all spiritual forces that may be set against Joey - command them to cease all activity regarding Joey and his family and to be gone from Joey's room and not to return in the name of Jesus Christ. (Christians are given the authority and the commandment to use His name in this way against evil spirits.)
3. Pray for complete and comprehensive healing and regeneration of all damage and effects of the cancer - or any other form of attack against his body, soul, or spirit.
4. Pray for God's peace, comfort, rest, and strength for Joey and the family.
5. Pray for God to be glorified in all that happens.

On behalf of the Kellers and Prayer Team Joey - THANK YOU!

- Tim -


  1. Thanks Tim....always am inspired from your blog updates and it helps me with my prayers for Joey. Just ask the Lord for a miracle so Joey can be a modern day Lazarus. Wouldn't that be awesome.

    Linda Colbart

  2. Have to given him communion?
    Josph prince on healing and communion
