Thursday, May 31, 2012

2nd Try for Round 3

Reposting from

2nd Try for Round 3 

Wow - I guess it's been awhile since I wrote here.  Things have been going pretty well.  Daniel is becoming more active, but it's been hard on him.  He has so little energy and stamina that his returning desire to run, jump, and play just wreaks havoc on his very out-of-shape little body.  While we continue to be stymied over his lack of growth in either height or weight for the past 3 years, we hope, trust, and PRAY that the lack of energy and stamina has more to do with 3 years of sedentary life-style ... because that means it's simple to fix.  It may not be EASY mind you - as enough exercise and diet to make a difference in your health are rarely considered "easy" - but the solution is simple.  As his desire and enthusiasm (and warm weather) return, it is my hope and plan to find more and more FUN ways to get some exercise - preferably for ALL of us, but especially Daniel.  We'll know soon enough whether his strength & endurance will return.

We remain worried - increasingly so - about his lack of height and weight gain, and I'm planning to begin pursuing this again as soon as I can find enough time to breathe again after my work schedule settles down.  We're in a crunch right now before a big delivery date and I barely get home in time to tuck Daniel into bed, get a bite to eat, and hit the sack myself these days - but I'm SOOO incredibly blessed to be enjoying my job again.  It's been a really long time since I can remember not hating getting up in the morning.  Thank you Lord for THAT blessing in the midst of this season of trials right now!

Tomorrow morning however, will be a different story.  It's hard to fathom that I am HOPEFUL tonight that we'll be admitted to the hospital tomorrow for more chemotherapy, but after last week's failure due to Daniel's low blood counts, we really want to get this stuff over-with.  Last week was the second time we were delayed due to blood counts being too low and nobody seems to be able to explain why this happens.  "Could be a virus" (though he has no other symptoms & feels fine), "could be allergies" (though he has none), "could be his body is responding to the chemotherapy" (though it's not supposed to).  Or (in my own thoughts) it could be God just setting His own timing for reasons known only to Him.  We try to "roll with the changes", but really, we'd all like this to be over as soon as possible.

So tomorrow, we'll head back to Riley, packed up for a few days' stay, and pray for the best.  We'd appreciate your prayers as well.  If things go as planned, we'll arrive around 10, get a blood test & a spinal tap procedure about 11 (usually more like 12), and then check into the 5th floor and start his 24hr infusion of Methotrexate around 6 or so.  He'll be confined to the Hem/Onc ward for the 24hrs while the infusion is going on, but after that, if he's feeling well, we can wander about the hospital.  Last time, Daniel and I had a laser-tag war in the main lobby and a few desolate hallways of Riley on Sunday afternoon.  Other than a few stares by doctors, nurses, and a cop passing by, we had a lot of fun. :) 

They'll check his blood again every 6hrs or so to see how the MTX level is falling as it is eliminated from his body.  Once it's below a specific level, we're free to check out.  The first time, it was Tuesday afternoon.  The second time, it was Monday morning.  We never know.

For our Prayer Warrior friends, here are our requests:
1. That everything in the hospital (procedures, etc.) would go well and without mistakes or "events".  Events are bad.
2. That the drug would do its job against any cancer cells that might still be lurking about and then be eliminated quickly with a minimum of damage to his body - especially long-term.
3. That we would all have a comfortable and "enjoyable" time ... especially regarding roommates and their parents / visitors.
4. That Daniel would continue quickly on the road to recovering his health, energy, strength, and stamina (and appetite)
5. That his growth would resume to normal as quickly as possible
6. That Andrea and I will find time to rediscover one another and our marriage in the near future,
7. For Andrea's health (this would fill another post or 10 by itself, but she has a long list of prayer needs herself as well!!)
8. That our Awesome, wonderful, gracious, loving God would be glorified and honored through all of this and through our lives.

A huge thanks to all our friends and family who have been following us through this ordeal - especially those who have helped us along the way in so many ways we've lost count - prayers, gifts, help at the house, moral support, or just thinking of us.  Thank you all.  We love you and may our gracious Lord return your blessings many-fold.

- Tim -

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