Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Special Place In My Heart

Sharing a recent event ...

For the past few weeks, we've been trying to clean out Daniel's toys.  Approximately a year ago, we boxed up 8 full totes worth and stuck them in the attic hoping that the "out of sight-out of mind" addage would produce a lessened response to trying to get rid of a lot of them - especially at the local Clothing Sale this summer.  We did get rid of several totes worth, but still, the overall total continues to grow. For now, considering all he's going through, that's just fine.  We'll deal with the situation more forcefully some time in the future, but for now, many of these toys I consider a part of his "medicine" / therapy.

One night recently, Daniel was sleeping back in his castle bed after many many months down in the Family Room due to his impaired immune system with the leukemia.  I climbed the castle stairs to say good night and was greeted with the usual sight of a bed filled, not only with my son, but a plethora of pillows and untold numbers of stuffed animals.  Being in cleaning / decluttering mode as we were, I suggested that he take some time the next day to go through is stuffed animals to sort out a few to get rid of - perhaps to some other kids younger than him.  You'd have thought I'd shot him.

"NO!!" he exclaimed and as I began to formulate my argument, he went on to explain with tears welling up in his eyes that he knows each one of his animals by name and thinks of them as his closest friends.  He remembers where they came from and individual memories and feelings associated with each of them.  He looked me straight in the eye and, with absolute seriousness stated, "each one has a special place in my heart". 

I was speechless.  I knew instantly that no argument I could make could possibly counter that and gave up the fight then and there.  "OK" I said, "I can respect that".  I kissed him good night and climbed down the castle stairs designing a new shelving system in my head to get the stuffed animals up out of the way somewhere.  Clearly they were going to be around for awhile. But now, they have my full blessing as members of the family.  If they ever do leave, it will be by Daniel's decision alone and will undoubtedly be a significant event in his life and almost certainly for a good cause as a gift specifically to someone else in need.

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