Saturday, August 11, 2012

Prayer Request

A quick update after last night's longer post.  Over night, Daniel has developed a very "croupy" cough and is coughing up phlegm this morning. So we definitely have an infection of some kind.  With his counts being as low as they are now, this is a serious concern.  His fever is creeping up just a bit this morning (now 100.8) and his heart rate remains high bouncing as high as 160 when he's active.  We had a round of diarrhea this morning which was no fun at all on the ridiculous little bucket chair thing they have instead of a real toilet in this room.

Please pray with us that we can get on top of this as quickly as possible and it does not worsen and is not something difficult to fight.

- Tim -


  1. We will be praying. I . . . um . . . kinda blogged about you guys. Gotta love me!

    1. Love you we do Jodi! Thank you, thank you for your kindness as well as your prayers!
