Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Potential Setback

We've had a bit of a setback tonight after having done so well today; Daniel is running a fever now with a headache.  Over the past hour, it's risen from about 99 to 100.8.  Not sure what this is about, but if there's a possibility of infection, we won't be going home tomorrow (which everything was the way things were looking until this evening.)  He's resting now having stopped "Cowboys and Aliens" half-way through (so you know he's not feeling well!)  Very frustrating.

If it rises above 101.3, they will automatically culture his blood and start antibiotics - which means we'll be here for a minimum of another 48hrs even if the fever goes away (to be sure nothing shows up on the blood cultures).

We may have gotten over-confident since his blood counts were so high on Friday (well into the "normal range" and they said this particular chemo drug shouldn't negatively affect them).  So we've been more liberal with visitors this visit.  But of course there's no way to know what, or even IF he's gotten anything at this point.  There are few better places to pick up an infection than a hospital anyway, 

Please pray with us that any infection (or possible drug reaction) would quickly die without the need for more antibiotics or any longer than needed stay in the hospital.  Please pray for Andrea and I as well if we need to make further arrangements for being here at the hospital longer than anticipated through this week.  The next few weeks are going to be particularly stressful for me at work as it is without additional  complications with unplanned hospital stays.

On a positive note, our friends the Kellers were discharged today as Joey was much improved from the horrible past few days he spent here in quarantine with a CDiff infection.  We saw very little of them, but are really happy they got through this. It was a very close call with something completely out of the blue - a complication of all the recent antibiotics.  They still are in need of a touch from God for the cancer though so please keep them in your prayers as well.

As always, we look to the Lord for guidance, strength, endurance, wisdom, and peace through all things and trust that He is in complete control and will most certainly turn all things toward good and for His glory.

- Tim -

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